Research Papers
Efficacy of individualized homeopathic treatment in the management of Dermatophytosis- A Case Series
The ‘Skin’ has its’ own cosmetic values other than normal physiological functions. Dermatophytosis is a superficial skin infection causing annular itchy lesions on the superficial skin surface. A steady escalation in the burden of fungal disease has emerged in the form of an epidemic in India. Lack of...
Homoeopathic posology is the doctrine of doses of homoeopathic medicine. In homoeopathy, potentised medicines are used following the law of similia similibus curentur. The principle, the remedy, and the dose are three essential aliments of this system. This article discusses the various concept of homoeopathic...
Breast and nipple–areolar complex has its own functional, sexual and cosmetic values. The skin around nipple and areola is prone to develop several kinds of infections during different stages of life ranging from mild-to-moderate dermatitis to neoplastic growths. Lack of knowledge of the patients about...
The pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread vastly on a global scale. There is no definitive treatment of the disease till now. However, prevention and symptomatic management is the prime choice. COVID-19 patients suffer from various secondary infections such as pneumonia, severe respiratory...